6 Reasons to Enjoy Geger Beach, Bali like a King
Recently Geger Beach name in Bali is getting famous due to the visit of King Salman from Saudi Arabia. However, you do not have to be a king to enjoy this beach. You can be like a king by visiting Geger beach.
Thursday, 23 March 2017 2187 Views
5 Best Halal Restaurant Near Kuta
Many restaurants provide kinds of special foods with the different taste. However, for Muslim, they should be careful in choosing the food to eat. Yes, we all know that the major religion in Hindu and they have different rule about food choices. Sometimes, what is forbidden in Islam is allowed in Hindu.
Wednesday, 25 January 2017 2839 Views
Top 10 Bali Culinary Tours
Many people from around the world come there every day. They love to enjoy free life in Bali together with the family. And Bali also perfect for your honeymoon time. Once you come to Bali and you will come again soon.
Wednesday, 25 January 2017 1413 Views
5 Types of Balinese Food that You Should Try
Bali is one of the most famous islands in Indonesia. Every year, we can find so many tourists that come there. Most of them want to visit the beaches but the others want to eat the Balinese food. You have to know that Indonesian love to cook using the traditional ingredients.
Wednesday, 25 January 2017 1197 Views
Top Destinations
A must visit paradise in Bali
It is said that Kuta Beach is the most popular destination because thousands of tourists from all over the world flocking every year to enjoy the white sand beach, endless shopping opportunities, great surfs and memorable nightlife in Kuta’s bars and clubs. Definitely, there is no shortage of things to do in this area.
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 2492 Views
You Can Find Everything in Sanur
Sanur village is known as one of the most popular tourist destinations in Bali. The village’s façade is a 3-kilometer coastline. That is why tourists often called the village as a place where the spirit of Bali can always be enjoyed and relished
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 1208 Views

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