7 Best Dive Sites in Nusa Penida, Bali

Administrator · Wednesday, 12 April 2017 · 3103 Views

The strong point which makes Nusa Penida as the special destination which people should consider in Bali is because it offers extraordinary dive sites. If you want to see a different world, you have to dive. However, if you want to see amazing underwater world experience, you have to visit Nusa Penida. Here are the best dive sites in Nusa Penida which can make every diver unable to forget the experience under water.

Manta Point

From its name, you might assume that this is the dive site which offers you with the opportunity for seeing giant Manta Ray. It is correct because of this huge creature patrols around the area. It is not difficult to find the Manta Ray when diving at this place since it can be found all year round. To be able to dive with Manta Ray needs more struggle after all because drivers have to take a longer time to reach the point and at the same time the location is a little bit challenging as well.

Crystal Bay

Crystal Bay is situated at the bay of Penida Village. In the middle of the bay, you can see the huge limestone standing. Diving at this place, you will be able to see the underwater cave which is very wonderful. The cracked rock makes the scenery much more beautiful when diving. Sunfish or Mola Mola becomes the biggest attraction at this place but you can meet this creature if you are in the right season and lucky enough.


Toyapakeh is basically a Muslim village in Nusa Penida but it is also the location for the superb underwater world. The dive site is called coral garden by the dive operator because there are various kinds of coral reef in this place. Acropora coral colonies can be found a lot in Toyapakeh shallow water. You can find reef fish, pelagic fish with big size, sunfish, blackjack, and even turtle at this place.

Sekolah Dasar (SD)

Sekolah Dasar means elementary school and this name was given by local dive operator. This is the perfect place for drift drive. You will be able to meet various kinds of sea creature including reef shark, Mola-Mola or sunfish, and even Manta Ray.

Peed Point

The Peed Point name was derived from the name of a temple which was built on the Peed village shore. There is a concrete wall built on the beach for erosion prevention. You can also find the steep slope with coral reef composition including bommies, coral heads, as well as Stag Horn coral. This site is visited often by pelagic fish including sunfish.

Batu Nunggul

You do not have to be far from the city center to enjoy the beautiful underwater world. The capital city of Nusa Penida is not fat from Batu Nunggul dive site to see the Nudibranch, tropical reef fish, as well as pelagic fish including Eagle Ray and Manta Ray.

Gamet Bay

Gamet Bay might be pretty small but you can witness the bottom of the sea covered finely with soft coral. A lot of fish from reef to pelagic love to visit this bay. You just need to pay attention to the current which can change easily.


Tags: #Nusapenida #mantapoint #cristalbay #beach #bali #toyakpeh #snorkling #divingppedpoint #batununggul

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