7 Things to Do at Bali Safari & Marine Park
Bali is well known for its beautiful beach and culture but the tourism attraction in Bali can be expanded further. You have to visit Bali Safari & Marine Park especially if you want to enjoy holiday with family.
Wednesday, 12 April 2017 1661 Views
Top Destinations
Peguyangan Waterfall
Hidden Paradise in Nusa Penida, Bali
You can find several beautiful waterfalls in Bali mainland but you will find extraordinary waterfall in Nusa Penida. It is called Peguyangan waterfall.
Wednesday, 12 April 2017 3670 Views
Top Destinations
Saren Agung Castle
Bali’s Tourism Site that Rich of Cultural Heritage
Saren Agung Castle in Ubud. This Castle is maintained well, up to recent time, although development with all modernization touches every line of human life. Due to uniqueness and nature of this place, this castle should be one of the places you need to visit during your vacation in Bali.
Sunday, 29 January 2017 1931 Views
Top Destinations
Gold and Silversmith
Apparently, each village in Bali has its own uniqueness. One is Celuk village known as the Gold and Silversmith village. As one of the tourist village, many visitors come to visit the village every day to see the process of making gold and silver handicrafts made by artisans and artists.
Sunday, 29 January 2017 2701 Views
Recommendations of Unique Hotels in Sanur
You can find a wide range of hotel or resort that comes with a unique concept and theme that likely will not you find in other places. When you are planning a vacation to Bali especially to visit some tourist areas around Sanur, you should not miss to the new experience by staying at one of the unique hotels in Sanur.
Wednesday, 25 January 2017 1065 Views
Bali Unique Hotels that are Worth to Try
Various hotels that can easily be found in various corners of Bali not only offer a relaxing stay comfortable and luxurious but also several hotels offering unique as its appeal. Now, you can find some with themes and unique concept that may have never imagined before. If you are curious, you should consider staying at one of the Bali unique hotels for the next holiday.
Wednesday, 25 January 2017 1476 Views
Top Destinations
Destination you wont miss
Seminyak Bali is like a mandatory place to visit because of its beautiful beaches, unique cultural activities and many more. If you want to go to Seminyak, here are some important things to keep in mind so you journey will turn to be something special.
Wednesday, 25 January 2017 1913 Views

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