Ice Cream World Bali, The Future Destinations For Ice Cream Lovers Hits in Bali!

Administrator · Tuesday, 10 April 2018 · 3281 Views

Destinations that hits and nowadays are never ending. Almost in every city there are now instagramable destinations that pamper young Instagram users. Recently there is one more colorful contemporary cafe that will give you many options for selfie photos in Bali. This ice cream cafe called Ice Cream World is present in 2 cities in Indonesia namely in Bali and Jogja.

As an ice cream lover, you certainly will not miss a cafe that serves delicious ice cream and gelato but can also make photographs. Let's have a coin at Ice Cream World in Bali.

Ice Cream World in Bali just opened on 13 February 2018 ago. This cafe will spoil ice cream lovers in Bali is quite hot

As a tropical country, Indonesia has quite hot weather. So no wonder if many Indonesian people who like to eat ice cream. Create ice cream lovers, Ice Cream World is a café as well as a tourist destination that you must go to Bali. You can taste ice cream and gelato. holidays in Bali you can hang out beautifully in Ice Cream World while eating delicious ice cream. Ice Cream World is located at Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai, Denpasar.

Ice Cream World is not just selling ice cream only. This destination provides beautiful and instagramable photo spots

Not just sell ice cream, there are many spot colorful photos that make you feel at home their photos. There are giant ice-cream spots, some of which are shaped like colorful candies, there are hanging bananas and there is also a hanging ice cream similar to the artwork in the American Museum of Ice Cream. Anyway can photo as much as possible in there. Not bad for coloring your IG feeds. No wonder many are doing photography sessions at Ice Cream World because the property is pretty okay.

How much is the entrance fee to Ice Cream World?

To get into Ice Cream World, prepare a budget of Rp 80,000 for adults and Rp 40,000 for children. You will get ice cream and free photographs in the instagenic photo spots already provided there. Is it cheap enough right? 

There is a hell that calls Ice Cream World is also a plagiarism like The Rabbit Town in Bandung. Bener not anyway?

Ramagi alleged plagiarism concept of Museum of Ice Cream United States by Rabbit Town Bandung make Ice Cream World is also not free from controversy. This is because there are spot photos similar to the American Museum of Ice Cream. Moreover, they both sell ice cream.

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