Bali Events Calendar from April to June 2017 (Part II)

Administrator · Wednesday, 25 January 2017 · 1292 Views

Check out this Bali events calendar before you go to see if one coincides with your Bali tour.


Date: 5 April 2017

This is when Balinese Hindus commemorate the legendary battle of good versus evil. The eve or April 4, all Balinese households are busy in preparations, they decorate curved bamboo poles with elements of harvests and natural produce.

Batukaru Temple Piodalan Anniversary

Date:6 April 2017

On this day, pilgrims from the adjacent villages in Wangaya Gede and all over the island flock to the mountain temple for prayers

Purnama Kedasa - The 10th Full Moon

Date: 11 April 2017

Location: major temples island-wide 

This special full moon is considered highly significant amongst Balinese Hindus. The famous temple, Besakih, has a special procession known as 'Betara Turun Kabeh', inviting the gods for blessings. 

Kuningan Day and Sakenan Temple's ‘Piodalan’ Anniversary

Date: 15 April 2017

Location: island-wide and Sakenan Temple, Serangan Island, South Denpasar

In the Bali events calendar, the ceremony is being held 10 days after the Galungan celebrations. On this day, offerings and prayers are conducted at temples and shrines before noon. 

Mekotekan Rituals

Date: 15 April 2017

Location: Munggu Village, Mengwi district, Badung

This old tradition features the whole male villagers of Munggu. There will be a thousand participants flock to the village streets. They will reenact the triumphant battles of the Blambangan war. The pole ends are formed into a dynamic pyramid where two opponents climb it up and face-off at the peak 

Uluwatu Temple 'Piodalan' Anniversary

Date: 25 April 2017

Location: Uluwatu Temple, Uluwatu

The temple is decorated on this day, and pilgrims from all around the island for prayers.

Vesak, Buddhist Year 2561

Date: 11 May 2017


  • Brahmavihara Arama, Banjar, Singaraja
  • Wihara Dharmagiri, Pupuan, Tabanan
  • Vihara Amurva Bumi, Blahbatuh, Gianyar
  • Wihara Dharmayana, Kuta Wihara Buddha Sakyamuni, Denpasar
  • Wihara Dharmagiri, Pupuan, Tabanan
  • Wihara Buddha Guna, Nusa Dua
  • Wihara Dharmayana, Kuta Wihara Buddha Sakyamuni, Denpasar

Waisak or Vesak is a traditional holiday, marking the birth of Siddharta Gautama. This year, the day coincides in May. Some rituals are held by Balinese Buddhists.

Ubud Food Festival

Date: 12-14 May 2017

Location: Ubud

This the second year of the festival where people can easily find exciting culinary experiences. The food festival features local and international chefs from across the island. 

The 37th Annual Bali Arts Festival

Date:10 June - 8 July 2017

Local people call the festival as 'Pesta Kesenian Bali. It takes place from every second Saturday of June to the second Saturday of July and becomes a yearly celebration of exhibitions and performances of various kinds of artworks and cultural achievements.

Perang Pandan or 'Mekare-Kare'

Date: 13 June and 11 July 2017

Location: Tenganan Pegringsingan, Karangasem, East Bali

This a ritual blood sport coincides with the annual Ngusaba Desa ceremonies. Bare-breasted village boys take turns in dueling with rattan shields and pandanus as a weapon.  

Tumpek Kandang

Date: 24 June 2017

This is a special day for animals, livestock, and pets. Balinese people while make various offerings to the god of Rudra for successful farming and animal welfare. In the Bali events calendar, the day is part of a series of other Tumpek days.

Tags: #Calendarbali #april #galungan #batukaru #purnamakedasa #uluwatutample #perangpandan #tumpekkandang

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