Pura Batuan

The Oldest Temple in Bali

Administrator · Sunday, 29 January 2017 · 3451 Views

Bali is one of the finest islands that available in Indonesia. You can find so many temples there. That is the reason why many people called Bali as the islands that has thousand temples. One of the temples that available in Bali is Batuan temple. Bali is so interesting. You can feel so free on this island. No one that will make you feel lonely just because your religion, your skin tones or others side. As long as you can follow the rules then everything will be fine. In Bali, the local people still keep and run the old tradition like ceremony or other culture. 

Bali is also modern Island with traditional culture that still very straight. The local people never let Lord away from them. They can be anything but them still back to the Lord as the main creature. One of the temples in Bali that you should know is Batuan temple. This temple has its own charm and that makes many tourists come there every day. Holiday in Bali means that you also learn about the culture, you can find any related things there.

The history of this temple is so unique. Batuan temple is the oldest temple in Bali. The location is on Batuan village district Sukawati , Gianyar. This temple built on 944 Isaka. This is the part of Tri Kahyangan on the Pakraman village in Bali. This temple has big correlation with the Hindu religion. The location of this temple is so strategic. It makes you easier when you want to come there. After visiting this temple then you can also visit the Sukawati traditional art market, Bali zoo, Celuk, Bali Bird Park and also Tegenungan waterfall. If you want to visit this Puseh Batuan temple then from Denpasar you only need a time for about 30 minutes. Some tour agent also put this temple as the main destination in Bali.

All of the visitors who come to this temple do not need to pay for the enter ticket. You are free to enjoy the beauty of each part on this temple. You only need to change the scarf fee without any specific number. For you who want to tour around this temple then you should wear that scarf. If you are in period then you are not allowed entering all holy temples in Bali. You can just wait outside. That is the rule that you can not break.   When you enter the temple then you can find so many antique properties from the past time. All of them are kept well by the temple administrator.

You can also find the three ancient statues like Dwarapala statue, Hewan statue, Demons statue, Perwujudan statue, Phallus statue and others. The statues will show you the deepest meaning of the history of this temple in Bali. After finish traveling in Bali then you may have culinary tourism. Bali is rich in delicious traditional food. You can eat the sate lilit  or ayam betutu. Both of them are perfect for satisfy your hunger.

Tags: #purabatuan #bali #tample #batuantample #religion #oldesttample

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