Alas Kedaton Monkey Forest

Recommended Place that You Should Visit

Administrator · Sunday, 29 January 2017 · 1866 Views

Alas Kedaton monkey forest is one of the recommended places that you should visit in Bali. Bali will give you anything you never find on your hometown. If you are busy with your business and job then you should go to Bali and get some holiday. Visit the monkey forest and enjoy the unique natural situation there. Bali is the most favorite islands in Indonesia. The total of foreign tourist that visits this place is increasing every year. Local tourists from Indonesia also love to visit Bali. Nothing is that can replace Bali with anything because you will always find something special there. Once you come to Bali then you will come there again soon.


Alas Kedaton monkey forest will make you fall in love. This is the protected forests that keep well by the government. It covers approximately 12 hectares. You will not only find the green trees with various types but you will also find so many monkeys there. Inside the forest you will also find the temple with the name Alas Kedaton. The location of Alas Kedaton is on the Kukuh village, district Marga , Tabanan Bali. If you come from the Kuta beach then you will arrive there for about 1 hour.


Monkeys are the best attractiveness on this forest. If you want to count it then you will get 2.000 numbers of monkeys. When you just arrive there then you will welcome by them. Of course, you do not need to be afraid of the monkeys. They are fine to you because they already have good feeling and relation to humans. As long as you do not make them afraid then they will be nice to you. Although the monkeys are already benign but you still need to control yourself when you have some interaction to them. They are still wild animal like others. 

If you visit this Alas Kedaton and meet the monkey then you have to be careful with your stuff. Monkeys love your stuff so much. If you bring your bags, hat or any snack then you should keep it well. The monkeys love to take it away from you and bring it to the high trees. If you want to have interaction with the monkey then you may bring some snack like peanut or chips. Monkey love those snacks so much. Remember to throw away the trash on the right place so that you also keep the forest in a clean condition.


If you bring your own vehicles then you can choose your best way to come there. If you use the travel tour agent then you can just trust the staff. They will choose the best way to deliver you safely. After completely have fun with those entire monkeys then you may go to the other tourism place like Jimbaran beach, Kuta beach or just take a rest on your hotels. Do not forget try to taste the ayam betutu as the Bali traditional food. You will fall in love with that menu.

Tags: #alaskedaton #monkeyforest #monkey #bali #tample #hotels #traditionalfoods #jimbaran

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